Service Details

Domain Booking

Domain Booking

A domain name is your website's location on the internet. It translates the digits that make up your IP address into something catchy that people can remember. Domain names are bought through Domain Name Registrars, companies that manage the reservation of domain names and point them to your website

Features and Benefits

Domain privacy and protection will be one of the most important features to look for when you’re choosing a domain registrar. Without this, your personal information (name, phone number, email address, mailing address) will be listed on the WHOIS public database.

Some domain registrars will throw this in for free when you register a domain. Others you’ll have to pay extra for. But you definitely don’t want to skip on this, unless you’re registering under a company name (that information is already public).

The number of years you can register for when you first buy a domain is important too. This can range from one to five or even ten years, depending on the registrar. Longer is always better; that way you won’t have to worry about renewing every year. If your registrar doesn’t have a long-term option, just make sure you turn on automatic renewals so your site won’t go down.